Integrative Bodywork For Your Health

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Love in Time of Corona. Part 3. REDUCING STRESS = REDUCING INFLAMMATION = PROMOTING Proper Immune Response

A little pranayama in our day will shift the stress response from survival sympathetic dominance to ventral Vagal tone. What’s better for the immune system! This is a short alternating nostrils breathing, or “anuloma viloma” exercise borrowed from Sudarshan Kriya yoga tradition. Practice for 10 consecutive calm normal breaths, as many times as you need it, during the day. According to the Ayurveda medicine principles, when you practice in the morning, start with closing the left nostril to synchronize the body with the energies of the sun; during evening practice - start with closing the right nostril for synchronizing the body with the energies of the moon.
As simple as it is:

And a very very precise guidance for safety measures from the American Assoc for Precision Medicine :



Remember: with changing just a little in ourselves, we are changing the world.