Integrative Bodywork For Your Health

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The Collective Trauma and its Shadow

Witnessing the massive collective trauma of last week…

It’s true we could no longer live the way we did before that.. .

The attack not only brought a deja vue from my 1995 post-socialistic Bulgaria... The events, also, revealed how the collective trauma of social injustice is a public health crisis that impacts the health of the individual and the collective human body and psyche.

If you are practicing bodywork, you are masters of anchoring peace into the human body.
As such, how can we remain silent, at this moment?

I’m inviting you to focus on using our mastery to

consciously emanate PEACE.

If we remain peaceful, we will create the safe space for a dialogue.
Communication, we will find you, we need you - how else can we integrate this huge and traumatizing unconsciousness.
For “we are our only relevant hope, We are our only possible medicine..”

Sharing bellow with you the poem these strophes came and that helped me remain centered, sane and hopeful:

What is unveiled? The founding wound.
- Adrienne Maree Browne-