In Body We Trust - Supporting the ANS and Healing Trauma November 9th, 2019


*All profits of this class go to fundraiser for fellow MT Magi R Garcia RN, OMT  fighting multiple myeloma:

What if the first encounter with trauma happens during the massage session? The Massage therapist can frequently be the first witness of trauma released in the body. The inevitable catalyzing effect of touch is a powerful tool for the educated/experienced practitioner. As reflective individuals, MTs have tremendous potential to become a resource for First Aid to Trauma released in the body and for fostering post-traumatic growth.

In this second class of the 24CE curriculum, we will use Hands-on techniques, Neuroception exercises, Yoga and Dance - to engage intrinsic physiological mechanisms that allow constant access to the healing power of the Vagus nerve.

We’ll, also, add techniques for generating physiological coherence – a beneficial state of mental, emotional and physical harmony.

This class will prepare you to embrace the following important tools:

*Understand Trauma and the Body through the lens of Polyvagal Theory

*Explore Touch for restoring movement and for safe connection to Self and environment

*Distinguish the Cranial Nerves involved in the regulation of the ANS

*Use the healing power of the Vagus nerve and beyond

*Compare and contrast the anatomical features of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems- the signs of Dorsal and Ventral Vagal tone and Sympathetic dominance

*How to work with the muscles of the Social Engagement System(per S.Porges) to promote state of regulation.

*Explore and define Safety for both- client AND therapist.

*Learn Self-regulating practice for establishing "Parasympathetic frequency pull" - creating a safe entrainment with clients

*Select specific techniques to engage different receptors- touch, temperature, pain, olfactorium, vibration, auditory (techniques for stimulating middle ear muscles-Stapedius and M.Tensor Chorda Tympany) that participate in the regulation of the ANS

Find out more

*All profits of this class go to fundraiser for fellow MT Magi R Garcia RN, OMT  fighting multiple myeloma:

What if the first encounter with trauma happens during the massage session? The Massage therapist can frequently be the first witness of trauma released in the body. The inevitable catalyzing effect of touch is a powerful tool for the educated/experienced practitioner. As reflective individuals, MTs have tremendous potential to become a resource for First Aid to Trauma released in the body and for fostering post-traumatic growth.

In this second class of the 24CE curriculum, we will use Hands-on techniques, Neuroception exercises, Yoga and Dance - to engage intrinsic physiological mechanisms that allow constant access to the healing power of the Vagus nerve.

We’ll, also, add techniques for generating physiological coherence – a beneficial state of mental, emotional and physical harmony.

This class will prepare you to embrace the following important tools:

*Understand Trauma and the Body through the lens of Polyvagal Theory

*Explore Touch for restoring movement and for safe connection to Self and environment

*Distinguish the Cranial Nerves involved in the regulation of the ANS

*Use the healing power of the Vagus nerve and beyond

*Compare and contrast the anatomical features of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems- the signs of Dorsal and Ventral Vagal tone and Sympathetic dominance

*How to work with the muscles of the Social Engagement System(per S.Porges) to promote state of regulation.

*Explore and define Safety for both- client AND therapist.

*Learn Self-regulating practice for establishing "Parasympathetic frequency pull" - creating a safe entrainment with clients

*Select specific techniques to engage different receptors- touch, temperature, pain, olfactorium, vibration, auditory (techniques for stimulating middle ear muscles-Stapedius and M.Tensor Chorda Tympany) that participate in the regulation of the ANS

This 24 CEs curriculum will prepare the therapist encountering trauma with the following important tools:

1. Embracing the importance of MT feeling safe, stable and centered.

2. Learning how to use safe entrainment with clients -The uniquely long time we spend with the client allows a premise for entrainment between our biological systems. if therapist has a stable strong parasympathetic tone("safe, stable, centered"), he/she provides an option for safe frequency pulling entrainment for the client's Autonomic Nervous System.

3. Understanding Trauma and the educated touch through the lens of Polyvagal Theory- the course will provide comprehensive exploration of the principles of creating safety and stabilization of the ANS through touch and movement- core mechanisms in Massage/Manual Therapy.

4. Acknowledging the importance and the process of establishing professional relationships- referral and rapport, with health practitioners working in trauma field.

5. MT can offer an alternative but unique way to modify temporary sensitization states throughout the interaction with (treatment of) peripheral tissues. This is supposed to produce a biological and neurological cascade of events that change the interoceptive processes, breaking the vicious cycle of an on-going autonomic firing and supporting the shift to autonomic flexibility.